Project Ideas & Guidelines

Besides the daily commitment and time restriction to 1h, I want to shape the project further by introducing 3 principles: Active projects, new aspects and focus on the subproject. At the end I will collect topics I would like to explore during this project.

Active Projects

I want projects to have an active nature. Solely reading a book, watching an online to learn something I won't consider an active project. It can be part of a daily project to read upon something or take time to get inspired. It should however not be the aim.



  • Watching a YoutTube Videos explaining cool techniques: bad
  • Watching a YouTube video explaining one cool shot and doing it with own content myself: great

New Aspects

Projects should be creative. It is totally fine to use the project as excuse to get everday work done or do things that should have been done for a long time. However it should be the aim to break out of normality one way or the other. Maybe it even helps seeing 'normal' work in a more beautiful light.



  • Its my turn to prepare the dinner. Why not trying some new fancy dish.

Focus on Subprojects

Projects can split into subprojects. However focus should always be put on the single project at hand. A big project is no excuse to just read or prepare. Give the small tasks the attention needed, make a new sub projects if it becomes obvious the project will profit and keep the 55min frame.


Noah Scalin, author of the inspiring book puts it like this:

Most importantly: Don't stress out. Remember, this is about taking little steps. When doing your daily project, focus on the current day and don't think about tomorrow, next week, or next month. Big projects can be incredibly daunting, but you'll be amazed at what you can do when you break them down into a series of tiny, manageable pieces.



  •  The third day I decided to start the documentation. It turned out that I wanted to focus on creating a nice webpage and add edited photographs - worth some extra days of projects.


My topics

The author suggests to choose a topix and explore it (he investigated "Skulls"). I don't feel ready to put this restriction on myself, in contrast I feel motivated investigating multiple topics. Also I feel more comfortable putting focus on the technique rather than the output.


Uncertainties - In the upcoming days I will be dealing with uncertainties (mostly in the mathematical meaning) a lot. To compensate for this input heavy activity I want to find some output channels too: Just fooling around with the matter.


Mavic Mini - I want to get more familiar with my new toy. With this statement I naturally focus on the technical part, less than the content. But maybe I can find an interesting topic on the way!


Other - Use ClangFormat inside CLion, Change FontSize Laptop, Prepare Buying PC, virtual machine for android studio, Connect

Let's see if other topics will appear at the horizon.