Journey Journal

Week 1

Very interesting week: The one that decides whether I will actually commit to starting the project for a short term at all. In fact the project gave me a lot of energy and I feel very motivated to continue and fill these pages up.


I started the whole project of with the "One Day One Shot" video. Even though I deleted the original footage and have to be content with the low res version, I am very content with the result. It feels good doing some artistic stuff again. I hope I can continue this by having at least one artistic output every 1 or 2 weeks.


Also I quickly learned the importance of the rules put on myself. First of all I forgot the 5min planning on sunday which resulted in me wobbling in the "I want to do something" void  for many hours without clear aim. At the end of the day it just felt weird having started more than one thing, not knowing whether it was done or not and the whole day being over. Note to myself: Stress the 5min by writing down what I want to achieve.


Also I made some progress in setting sensible sub projects. After "the real" day 1 project, the next days I spend solely on setting up this website as documentation. What I expected to be a 2 days (i.e. 2 hours) job, turned out to be much more. Well, I am now aware that choosing and preparing images are worth being considered a subproject itself ... as well as writing content ... as well as giving the content and images a nice structure and design. I can now imagine just "taking a picture" can be a project itself: Including ideation, preparation, shooting and post processing.


Let's see what is to come next week.

Week 2

This week was about setting up a new working space at home. The final motivation behind was the purchase of a new working machine: I am looking forward to experiment in the visual 3D creation domain. The room is still quite basic, but the challenge made me already decorating it with two art pieces created by my brother. Also I used the challenge to share the second hand buying experience.

Week 3-6

Week of the ECCV and presentation on my uncertainties work. I expected this project would give me some balance to the information heavy work. The right hand side summarizes the results.

Well, not quite. First I was able to create this 3D summary on blender. And also I could keep pace with 1 project a week, including another drone shot and getting started with Unity for upcoming projects.


So scheduling one hour for an active project a day was a little ambitious.

Looking backwards this is not 100% what I needed. However it helped me getting to value spending 1h a day on "something I want to do for myself". This something however turned out to sometimes be something else like reading & learning.

I successfully started a page on drone videos & memory bubbles. Two projects that I plan to continue, however with a less pressing schedule.